“Sign of Faith”. The reaction of political leaders to the unprecedented results of the elections in France

There will be no far-right government in FranceLed by Jordan BartellaDespite winning the first round of legislative elections and the European elections.

Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National fell to third place, With just 143 seats, The result of the blockade of left and center It did not allow the RN to secure the majority required to form a government.

Leftist New Popular Front Alliance – Socialist Party, Insurgent France, Communist Party and Greens – A surprising result was reached, with 182 seats, became the largest political force in the French parliament, but far from equaling the absolute majority needed to form a government. Following President Macron’s centrist coalition, Group pour La RepublicaIt secured 143 seats and came second.

Despite the electoral success of the left and center in stemming the far-right’s rise to power, No party could reach the absolute majority of 289 seats to form a government and avoid a situation of political instability and anarchy. So the French parliament should be divided into three blocs: the left, the centrists and the extreme right.

Political reactions to the “defeat of the far right” and the “victory of the left”.

In Portugal, the president said on Sunday evening that there were no final results yet “What people decide is well-judged”. Marcelo Rebelo de Souza told reporters that he would watch the results of France’s legislative elections “carefully” despite the “great difficulty in commenting” without information.

“I am watching closely what is happening, which is very important for Europe. Let’s wait for the final results and then, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will speak”, announced Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. The head of the government, Luis Montenegro, also did not make a statement until Monday morning.

Andre Ventura, SEGA’s president, said the results of the second round “A real collapse for Europe”.“Disaster for the economy, tragedy for immigration and bad for the fight against corruption”Ventura wrote on the social network X.

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General Secretary of the Socialist PartyPedro Nuno Santos, He congratulated “the French left and its unity on this extraordinary decision”. The socialist added in a post on social network X “Combined, the left defeated the far right in elections, and now it must be defeated in governance and public policy”.

Mariana Mortagua, head of the Left bloc, said the left had “defeated the extreme right” and that “confidence in Europe is getting stronger”. Placist was hailed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon for the victory of the left coalition led by the far-left party A France Insubmissa.

“The French people have shown that there is no choice between the neoliberal center and the extreme right. The victory of the left, led by a defiant France, paves the way for a radical social and ecological program. “Confidence Gains in Europe”wrote the coordinator of Bloco de Esquerda on social media.

Livre’s spokesman Rui Tavares highlighted the same message after observing the election results in France. “Europe’s Symbol of Hope”“Years of seeing the return to normalcy of the far right in France”. “Signs of accountability in social and ecological governance that preserve democracy are needed now more than ever.”

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“Excitement, Disappointment, Relief”

A neighbor, Pedro Sánchez, celebrated this week the choice of the United Kingdom and France, “the two biggest countries in Europe”. “They have chosen the same path that Spain chose a year ago: a rejection of the extreme right and a firm commitment to a social left”.

” said the United Kingdom and France Yes to progress and social progress and no to regression Based on rights and freedoms”, wrote the head of the Spanish government on the social network X.


Vox, the leader of Spain’s far-right party, congratulated Marine Le Pen and the Rallye Nationale for “great electoral progress” in France. Santiago Abascal added “They managed to unite the Islamist and anti-Semitic extreme left with the globalist center and pro-green right.”, sending a message to the Spanish Popular Party (PP). “In Spain, BB will have to choose in the future,” he wrote on the X social network.

In Poland, Donald Tusk welcomed the results of legislative elections in France. “Paris in excitement, Moscow in disappointment, Kiev in relief. Happy enough in Warsaw”Polish Prime Minister wrote.

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The German government also expressed “some relief” on Monday after the defeat of the Rassemblement National, at a time when Berlin fears the consequences of a victory for the far-right in France. “For now, I think there’s a certain relief because the things we feared have not come to pass.”German Chancellor Olaf Scholes’ spokesman Steffen Hebstreit told a press conference.

The Kremlin also said it had no hope that relations between Paris and Moscow would improve after legislative elections in France..

“For Russia, the best is the success of the political forces that are trying to restore our bilateral relations. But at the moment, we do not see such a clear political will on the part of anyone, so we have no. Hopes or illusions in this regard.”Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

On the other side of the Atlantic, Brazilian President Lula da Silva, he said “I am very pleased with the demonstration of the greatness and maturity of the political forces of France united against extremism in the parliamentary elections”.

On Monday afternoon, US President Joe Biden said France rejected extremism with a left-wing surge in legislative elections and Americans will do the same when they vote in November’s presidential election.

“France has rejected extremism. Democrats will reject it here too.”Joe Biden said in a phone interview with MSNBC.

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