The three zodiac signs with raw horoscopes for November 24, 2022

All aboard the Conjunction Express. To your right, you will see the Moon messing with Venus and Mercury, and because this Moon has not yet had enough influence, or rather enough influence on us, here on Earth, this Moon will also hit Saturn today.

So, what does all this goofy hair mean? This means that today, we will challenge our partners in love and work to a duel of wits. And we will lose. Not exactly something to look forward to, however…it’s just another day.

Related: The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Thursday, November 24, 2022

What we can expect on this day, November 24, 2022, is a clash of opinions that ends up us feeling bad about what we said, did, and assumed.

This puts us in direct conflict with another person; Mercury’s conjunction won’t let us handle our judgment, and we’ll say all the wrong things, Whatever we regret saying.

In business, this means that some zodiac signs will take risky chances today by expressing themselves. In love this is similar. We talk, we say a lot, and We instantly end up regretting what we just allowed out of our mouths

Related: What makes each zodiac sign feel guilty, according to astrology

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