Portugal is the fourth country in the world with the most negative outlook on BRICS

13% of Portuguese respondents view BRICS positively, 35% have a neutral position and 17% say they have never heard of the alliance.

Portugal is the fourth country in the world with the most negative view of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), according to a global survey carried out by the Gallup International Association (GIA) and Intercampus in Portugal. 44 countries located on different continents.

The survey highlights that BRICS brings together the world's richest emerging economies and some major oil producers. They represent 30% of the planet's land area and 18% of global trade, and in 2024, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt have accepted the invitation to join the group.

“The West has been very lax on the BRICS alliance. Among the countries with pessimistic views are Sweden (45%), followed by Spain and the United States (30%) in second and third place. Poland (28%) and Azerbaijan (27%) are ranked seventh and eighth. 29% of Portuguese respondents had a pessimistic view of the alliance. At the same percentage, Ukraine and India share the Portuguese view, ranking fourth, fifth and sixth among the world's countries with the most negative outlook. “These results can be explained by the fact that the West is more affected by the war in Ukraine and the ongoing developments of NATO,” the study noted.

As for the elements that make up BRICS, the outlook is very positive.

“One-third in India (36%), 38% in Russia and 37% in Iran support the union. In Argentina, which withdrew from the agreement before it entered into force, views on BRICS were positive (32%), 13% negative, 20% neutral and 25% neutral. % never heard of it Globally, it is worth highlighting the fact that almost a third of the global population has never heard of the BRICS alliance (32%), while positive and negative opinions are almost equal in percentage terms (19% positive and 17% negative). and one in four (24%) have a neutral opinion,” the survey said.

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In Saudi Arabia, one of the BRICS countries, 55% said they had never heard of the alliance.

13% of Portugal have a positive opinion of BRICS

13% of Portuguese respondents view BRICS positively, 35% have a neutral position and 17% say they have never heard of the alliance.

“Among the countries that make up the G7 and the European Union and the rest of the world participating in the survey, it can be concluded that only 11% of the population in the Western regions have a positive opinion of BRICS and 25. % express a negative view. In the rest of the countries, 22% of the respondents see the alliance in a good light ( twice the percentage recorded in the G7 and the EU) and only 14% have negative views (11% less compared to the most western region) ”, the survey reveals.

General Director of Intercampus, António Salvador, said, “It is not surprising that the survey presented less positive views of the citizens of the G7 and European Union countries. This alliance and its possible expansion movements may weaken other alliances of major economic blocs, which until now have occupied and replaced an important role. Current statusThis may bring discontent and more hostility to the West”.

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