From Army Show to World War III. What if Putin’s revenge goes nuclear? – Spectator

Russian attacks on Monday in several Ukrainian cities acted as a retaliation warning Authorities in Kiev partially destroyed the Kerch Bridge linking the Crimean peninsula to the Russian Federation over the weekend. Vladimir Putin promised that there would be “Hard Answer” If Russia is threatened again, without detailing how it will be done. Given recent threats, could Russia’s head of state use nuclear weapons to avenge future victories in Ukraine?

If he goes ahead with this opportunity, Vladimir Putin could use it Russia’s various types of nuclear weapons – the only country in the world that has this type of weapon – is at its disposal. The Russian president, for example, Use a tactical nuke With low destructive power and very limited effects. Or, more seriously, you can choose Destruction of one The entire region – And then the consequences can affect Russia itself.

Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian officials have repeatedly expressed the view that nuclear weapons will only be used in compliance. Atomic theory from the country. In other words, if Russia were to use nuclear power: 1) if the enemy used such weapons first; 2) there is a threat to critical infrastructure that could lead to loss of control over the country’s nuclear resources; 3) if Russia receives reliable information about the launch of a ballistic missile against Russian or allied countries; 4) If the “existence of the state” is at stake.

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