Father of 6-year-old girl discovers images of daughter’s best friend abusing and pedophile commits suicide – International

A man who drove his best friend to commit suicide after discovering he was sexually abusing his 6-year-old daughter has been spared six months of a one-and-a-half-year sentence. The case shocked Russia and eventually sparked public support for the abused girl’s father, Vyacheslav Medrosov, who demanded her release.

When did it all begin? Vyacheslav Matrosov, 35, found graphic images on the mobile phone of his friend Oleg Sviridov, 32, in which he forced Matrosov’s daughter, 6, to perform a sexual act. – Repeated sexual abuse. “Oleg, that’s enough, I can’t take it anymore, I want to go home,” the now 9-year-old is heard saying in the video.

After being discovered, the child’s father writes that he may have driven the abuser to suicide, but not before leaving him to dig his own grave in a forest. “daily hour”. The pair would have been involved in a fight, and there are allegations that Oleg Sviridov was warned to confess to the authorities before his death, in exchange for the girl’s father, who already had sexual knowledge. Malpractice.

Initially, Vyacheslav Matrosov was sentenced to 18 months in prison by the Krasnoglinsky court in April this year for encouraging the suicide of Oleg Sviridov. However, after a wave of popular support in Russia, he completed his six-month sentence: A public petition signed by 2,500 people demanded Matrosov’s full release, and local residents in the Samara region raised money for the initial fees of the Russian father’s defense lawyers.

Vyacheslav Medrosov

Vyacheslav Medrosov with his family

” data-title=”Vyacheslav Matrosov – 6-year-old girl’s father finds photos of best friend abusing his daughter, drives pedophile to suicide – MAGG”>

Vyacheslav Medrosov with his family

After the trial, forensic evidence helped authorities conclude that Vyacheslav Medrosov did not stab Oleg Sviridov, and therefore was not a murder. If convicted, Matrosov could face up to 15 years in prison.

Vyacheslav Matrosov has already returned home and on social media, and posted a picture of his two daughters and his wife Natalya, 35. “Home. Much love,” she wrote in the caption.

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